between conversing with customers and fellow crafters here at
Crafted, i've been thinking of ways to perfect my market stall. as much as i love and am proud of the print rack my dad helped me build (which involved a lot of guess-work for nail placement and a lot of repair work when those guesses were a bit off...), i think it is more appropriate for my weekend shows and not as fitting for my Crafted space, which is more macabre Victorian parlour than craft booth under a pop-up tent. i toyed with the idea of sawing off the easel frame and attaching the rack to the wall. then i thought that perhaps it is too bulky, and maybe shelf ledges in a fancy moulding would be more appropriate. now, however, i have come up with an idea to create framed boxes with an open top. picture a shadow box, remove the top side of the box and the glass, and hang it on the wall. it will look a bit fancier, and then shoppers can get an idea of what each print looks like framed, and when they find one they like, they can pull one out of the stack! anyone else think this idea is as awesome as i do? (please don't tell me if someone has come up with this before, i'm sure someone has, but i'd rather not have the evidence burst my bubble)
current print rack (p.s. like my new rug?!) |
mock up of new design
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